Title: Effect of maltogenic amylase, high-performance maltogenic amylase enzymes, and Bacillus coagulans probiotic bacteria on the shelf life and other properties of baked bread and tortilla
The research project involves studying the effect of addition of Maltogenic enzyme to improve the shelf life and other desirable properties of baking goods (white bread and tortillas). Maltogenic enzyme breaks down long chains of amylopectin in starch to shorter chains that can hold more efficiently water moisture in bread and tortilla. Holding moisture prevents stalling caused by crystallization of amylopectin to longer chains. Preventing stalling prolongs the shelf-live and improves freshness. It was found that the addition of as small as 100 ppm maltogenic amylase is enough quantity to cause the desired improvement in contrast to the addition of as high as % level concentration of chemical additives other than enzymes to bring the same improvements. The requirement of adding as small quantity as 100 ppm enzymes can be achieved without altering the conventional industrial bread and tortilla baking process, thus avoiding the introduction of expensive new equipments or prolonging baking time. The experimental analysis performed on the baked bread and tortillas are: Texture analysis, Ball Kneading test, moisture content and Sensory Tests. Sensory Tests include Aroma, Spring back, Foldability, Softness, Mouthfeel, and how appetizing the bread or tortilla test. The results of these tests indicate that shelf life of bread increased to 21 days and 35 days for Tortilla. Also, improvements were detected in softness, moisture content, foldability, and test.
Another research project was performed by adding probiotic bacteria to the baking goods. Bacillus Coagulans LBSC was used. This bacteria has been found to provide several health benefits, such as alleviating gastrointestinal conditions. The research study involves determining stability (i.e. Bacteria survival rate), and effect on sensory attributes in Tortillas, Tortilla chips, and chocolate. This bacteria is a spore forming bacteria, so it can survive heat treatment during baking process in Tortilla. The addition of this bacteria was done using conventional process without the need for additional equipment’s. It was found that the survival rate is 42% for tortilla and 98% for tortilla chips and chocolate. Tortilla surviving rate of 42% is due to heat treatment during baking process, while Tortilla chips, and chocolate process involve no heat treatment. Also, it was found that food with added probiotic bacteria were rated similar in sensory attributes when compared to their corresponding controls where no probiotic bacteria was added.