Title: Bioengineering oleaginous Rhodococcus as bacterial biofactories for oil-related compounds production
Title: Probiotic cellulose: A new biomaterial for antibiotic-free therapy of bacterial infections
Title: Optimum magnetic navigation of nanoparticles inside the human carotid
Title: Biocatalytic membrane reactors towards process intensification in biocatalysis and biorefinery
Title: Improving bioprocesses by using adaptation strategies of Rhodococcus
Title: Newly isolated microalgae as immunostimulants for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Title: Enzymatic production of xylooligosacharides (XOS) from Nothofagus pumilio sawdust
Title: Raspberry ketone production from glucose by metabolic engineered Escherichia coli.
Title: Improvement of saffron Crocus sativus L. by plant biotechnology
Title: Identification of non-conventional p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase family proteins
Title: Fundamental study on the airflow in the patient-specific lung models by AcuSolve
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