Title: The hydrogen - based membrane biofilm reactor for reducing many oxidized contaminants
Title: Brown recluse spider venom holds promise in killing breast cancer cells
Title: Additive manufacturing of microbial polyesters for bone tissue engineering
Title: 3D dynamic in vitro model of the human gut microbiota
Title: Effect of hydrophobic inducers on the production of biosurfactants
Title: Post-transcriptional control in the regulation of polyhydroxy alkanoates synthesis
Title: mir-29b Inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in triple negative breast cancer cells
Title: Exploration of mycoviruses from Trichoderma spp. in China
Title: Evaluation of 3 different disinfectants to decontaminate face masks
Title: Lactococcus lactis, a promising cell factory to functionally express membrane proteins
Title: Circulation of SARS-Cov-2 genetic clades in wastewater
Title: CRISPR/Cas9 system in the generation of genetically modified pigs for purpose of xenotransplantation
Title: Microbiology of biodegradation with selected biodegradable polymers in soil
Title: ESKAPE pathogens in the Indian subcontinent: A comprehensive analysis
Title: Towards Automated Decision-Making Through Reinforcement Learning
Title: Surfaces modification with antimicrobial peptides using Sortase A enzyme
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