Title: Stem cell therapy: An affordable healthcare therapy for various diseases
At Total Potential Cells , anticipating the future is not enough; we believe in creating it. With traditional means of medicine falling short of the demands of the day, it is up to science and technology to provide solutions to the world's most pressing needs. Total Potential Cells has been founded by two senior doctors- Dr. Bhaskar Vyas, Plastic surgeon and Dr. Rajni Vyas gynaecologist and is comprised of an experienced team of stem cell scientists, bio-technologists, medical doctors, and marketing professionals.
Our team works on research of Isolation of Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) from different sources. Establishing the protocols for digestion, separation, isolation in pure form by culturing in vitro. Phenotypic characterization of MSCs by surface markers.
Two project grants are awarded to TPC by Department of Biotecchnology, Government of India.
1. Translation of ADMSCs to insulin secreting islet like clusters, funded By SBIRI
2. A novel modality of treatment of Osteoarthritis (OA) with Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (ADMSCs )– Biotechnology Ignition Grant (BIG) from Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)
Two Patents granted BY Government of India for 15 years :
1. 2051/Mum/2015 Title: Process Of Preparing Mesenchymal Stem Cells For The Treatment Of Osteoarthritis As Regenerative Medicine
2. 201621005097 Dated 12/02/2016 Title : Differentiation Of Human Adipose Tissue Derived Stem Cells To Islet Cell Aggregates (Ica) And Treatment As Regenerative Medicine For Diabetes
We will discuss the therapeutic ptential od MSCs (Mesenchymal Sem Cells) in different clinical conditions. How the therapy can be made affordable to patient atlarge. Our differentproducts and their applications. And future plans.