HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at London, UK or Virtually from your home or work.

5th Edition of Euro-Global Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering

September 18-20 | Hybrid Event

September 18-20, 2025 | London, UK
ECBB 2024

Biotech scale-up: Bioengineering imperatives in biomanufacturing

Murray Moo Young, Speaker at Bioengineering Conferences
University of Waterloo, Canada
Title: Biotech scale-up: Bioengineering imperatives in biomanufacturing


During the recent pandemic, it became clear that the main deterrence of manufacturing of newly discovered vaccines was the implementation of prerequisite bioreactor design, operation and control for commercial production. The range of imperatives for success can be wide and complicated in relevant industrial practice. In laboratory experiments, we have encountered concerns of oxygen mass transfer limitations, instability of genetically-engineered microbial hosts for fermentation processes, and rheological irregularities in bioreactor media. Our examples here include wave-induced aeration bioreactor design, reference to regular mechanical stirred-tank and air-lift fermenters, Crispr-based microbial host delivery pattern derivatives, and energy processing requirements.  Relevance of geopolitics in biotechnology innovations are observed in the global eco-systems.

Keywords:  bioprocess engineering; fermentation process aeration; bioreactor design, operation, control; fermentation kinetics-relevance; biomanufacturing bottlenecks; biotechnology geopolitical interferences; multidisciplinary nature of biotechnology; employment constraints in biomanufacturing.


Murray Moo-Young is a distinguished professor emeritus at the University of Waterloo, Canada, where he co-supervises postgraduate biotechnology-related research. His university education includes BSc, PhD degrees (London), MASc (Toronto), postdoctoral fellowship (Edinburgh). Also, he has worked as invited guest professor at other universities, worldwide: including MIT, UC Berkeley; Imperial College London, Oxford; IIT Delhi, Nanjing, Shanghai. He is editor-in-chief of the major encyclopedic work, Comprehensive Biotechnology (Elsevier). He is recipient of prestigious awards from professional organizations including American Chemical Society, Royal Society/UK (FRSA) , Royal Society/Canada (FRSC), UNESCO, UNIDO. He has produced many journal publications and patents. At present, Murray continues as a consultant to industry, government and academia globally.
