Title: The effects of mammary gland ATIII overexpression on the general health of dairy goats and their anti-inflammatory response to LPS stimulation
Antithrombin III is an important anticoagulant factor with anti-inflammatory properties. However, few studies have explored its anti-inflammatory actions in ATIII overexpressed transgenic animals. In this study, the dairy goats with mammary overexpression of ATIII were used to investigate their general health, milk quality and particularly their response to inflammatory challenge. The results showed that transgenic goats have a normal phenotype regarding their physiological and biochemical parameters, including whole blood cells, serum protein levels, total cholesterol, urea nitrogen, uric acid, and total bilirubin, compared to the WT. In addition, the quality of milk also improved in transgenic animals compared to the WT, as indicated by the increased milk fat and dry matter content and the reduced somatic cell numbers. Under the stimulation of an LPS injection, the transgenic goats had elevated contents of IGA, IGM and superoxide dismutase SOD, and had reduced proinflammatory cytokine release, including IL-6, TNF-α and IFN-β. A 16S rDNA sequencing analysis also showed that the transgenic animals had a similar compositions of gut microbiota to the WT goats under the stimulation of LPS injections. Mammary gland ATIII overexpression in dairy goats is a safe process, and it did not jeopardize the general health of the transgenic animals; moreover, the compositions of their gut microbiota also improved with the milk quality. The LPS stimulation study suggests that the increased ATIII expression may directly or indirectly suppress the inflammatory response to increase the resistance of transgenic animals to pathogen invasion. This will be explored in future studies.
Audience Take Away Notes:
Mammary gland overexpression of AT? in dairy goats not only maintained a healthy milk quality but promoted the milk quality of the transgenic animals compared to the WT. Importantly, under the LPS challenge, the transgenic dairy goats exhibited increased immune response and reduced inflammatory reaction. Currently, the exact mechanisms of these alterations induced by mammary gland overexpression of AT? in dairy goats are unknown. To identify the mechanisms is the goal of our future studies.