Title: Kertics – Protein bioplastic films from human hair
Conventional plastics have improved humanity in many ways since they were invented, but there is no denying that they have an adverse impact on living things and natural environments. The search for plastic substitutes, or bioplastics, is essential since the management of plastic waste generated is a global challenge. In this study, we investigate the feasibility of keratin derived from human hair waste as a potential bioplastic film material. The films, or "kertics," were manufactured using keratin extracted from hair through solution casting and curing. In the process of keratin film formation, di-ethylene glycol, tri-ethylene glycol, and ethylenediol were employed as innovative plasticizers in addition to glycerol. The prepared film had a thickness ranging from 190 to 220 µm and an approximate area of 4.54 ± 0.2 cm2. The water absorption of TEG100, ED100, DEG100, and G100 films, in that order, was 4.8%, 6.2%, 4.9%, and 6.3%, respectively. The films containing 100 µl of 1% glycerol (G100) exhibited a continuous surface morphology with the exception of a few pits measuring 0.1 µm in diameter. DEG100 and TEG100 films demonstrated the most uniform surface morphology, devoid of any pits, cavities, or bulges, as determined by FESEM analysis. The X ray diffractogram displayed the characteristic keratin peak at 19.5°, with a d-spacing value of 0.45 nm. According to the FTIR analyses, the films maintained intact keratin and exhibited the characteristic amide peaks. Studies employing a keratinophilic strain of A. found that the films exhibited biodegradability. Potential applications for these films include the packaging industry, the production of disposable items, and the generation of biomaterials.
Audience Take Away Notes:
- Manufacturing of bioplastic from human hair keratin
- Characterization of Bioplastic films, Interpretation of various analytical results Explore potential applications of human hair protein